This ministry was created to give God praise through the art expression of dance. Whether in the form of lyrical ballet, interpretive mime or modern dance, this team works together to bring life to the music and connect the message to the people.

This ministry was created to give God praise through the art expression of dance. Whether in the form of lyrical ballet, interpretive mime or modern dance, this team works together to bring life to the music and connect the message to the people.
A creative, innovative, artistic ministry designed to brand our organization and involve people from all walks of life. This ministry includes, but is not limited to, communications, design, photography, printing and media, and using advanced methods to introduce new concepts along with cognitive and creative thinking.
A very important part of our service. This team of leaders instructs and guides us on a journey, guiding and soaring us to new heights. Singing unto the Lord a new song of praise, lifting up holy hands and exalting the Holy Spirit. We invite him into our hearts and bless his Holy name all while making a joyful noise.
Every service is audio/video digitally recorded, produced and available at your convenience after every service. The media ministry has taken off to new dimensions and its impeccable work has reached and converted souls across the world. Much success has come to the media ministry through the live streaming tool. This media innovation has drawn more attention to the teaching and preaching of God’s word.
A ministry dedicated to young people and teens for learning and growing together through the word of God in order for them to learn more about themselves.
This ministry is designed to help broken, battered, bruised and defeated women to see themselves as God sees them: Complete, Unlimited, Virtuous & Victorious.
The men of Power House come together for a time of fellowship and devotion. This provides an opportunity for Christian men to share their love and faith with one another. The men are the backbone of the church in which they provide guidance for the younger generation of men to make their transition from boyhood to manhood.
Thanks to our church leaders and volunteers, our church operates a thriving food bank ministry that serves as a beacon of hope and support for the community. Each week, dedicated volunteers come together to collect, sort, and distribute essential groceries to those in need, ensuring those in our community don’t go hungry.